Sunday 23 August 2015

How Does Solar Powered Panel System work?

The goal is to convert the energy from sunlight that hit on your roof into useful electricity.When the sun is up, particles of sunlight called photons hits the Solar Panels on your roof. Your Solar Panel or Solar cell uses these photons to produce a direct current (DC) electricity. These Direct Current or electrons flow out of your Solar Panel into your Inverter. The work of the Inverter is to convert the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). This is very needful as most appliances in your home including your Television set, computers, and many other electronic devices need the AC power to operate.

So far I have introduced to you the following components of a Solar Power system or a PV System:
  • Solar Panel
  • Inverter
Now, what I just gave to you now is how perhaps the simplest solar power system works.
A more complete PV system for use especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and developing countries where electricity production and distribution is poor will also include:
  • Batteries: For storing electricity for future use
  • Charge controller: For a control and optimal charging of the battery
  • Stabilizers: For the effective regulation of input voltage.

