Friday, 19 February 2016

Facebook For Christians: Churchblaze

Churchblaze, coined Church and Blaze or church on fire is a Christian social network whose aims is to give the global Christian Church a clean platform to connect with other believers globally and express their common faith boldly.
The platform also aims to allow users to follow up church events and fellowships around the world to strengthen their faith. Apart from nice baby photos and cool cat photos and updates from parties and get-togethers, there’s so much dirt on Facebook especially for a born-again Christian.
Founded by Isaac Muthui, Churchblaze is built on Social Engine and works similarly to Facebook or any other social network asking you to provide your contact details to create your account and request peole to be friends. It also has a wall and a news feed similar to Facebook’s and people post their photos and messages online just like on Facebook. check it out and you'll be glad you did.


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